Scale 1:3 Osechi Box
>> 6.5.12
Another work in progress~ I am sorry that this is all I can show right now. T_T
I have been slow in progress lately. *wailing in panic*
Went back to my home country to attend my cousin's wedding and help her taking the wedding photos of the day. And then I went down with flu and fever for the last 2 weeks. (It's the season I guess).
I had a bit of issues at my day job, but I really want to avoid ranting here. I am just going to say it's kind of bringing me down. Not helping since I am not making good progress with the miniature book. T_T
I hope this is just because I haven't really got all my strength back yet.
And as usual, I really have trouble sticking up with my schedule. XD
(I hope) it's a good distraction to make this scale 1:3 osechi box. I have planned this for quite a while, although maybe it's not this detail.

I didn't show all the cutting/ gluing since it was a super duper messy job. But the sanding did help to make it go altogether. After that I draw the sakura designs, just roughly to know where I should paint.
Again I didn't want to show the in-between painting because I am not too confident in painting it. I painted the gold outline for the flowers, then the pink flowers and leaves. I painted the insides red as my smaller osechi boxes before I moved on painting the rest of the box black.
After that I varnished everything before waxing some of the parts still the acrylic and varnish makes the box to sticky to each other.
So now all that is left is to fill them out :)
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