1:24 Miniatures
>> 14.9.10
I am in another series of "got-too-serious"!
(It's an inside joke; if there's something that we are "obsessed" in making something and could not stop until we got it "right" XD)
Made these 1:24 table & chairs last week which has been sitting ever since. I am not sure how to actually "categorized" it as I made them half of my 1:12 Sylvanian furniture. And Sylvanian are actually closer to 1:16 or 1:18. @.@ All the numbers and scales are always confusing, isn't it?
To cut all my rambling short, I just try my best to divide everything into half from what I used to make. And it does involve doubling in the swearing and screaming since things got lost easier than usual.
I am not sure if I got it right, the soups below are corn soup, clam chowder, minestrone, and miso soup. And the drinks are cat-cappuccino, strawberry latte, hot coffee / chocolate, and green tea. The dotted squares are 0.5 cm, for reference of size.
And these are the smallest rice and other veggies that I managed to do. Since I don't have any clear ideas of a final product, so I was making itsy bits of rice and veggies randomly.
Actually I only thought of making 1:24 cakes, especially since I still have some left-over parts of the cakes. But they are actually harder to make than what I expected.

Last but not least, here's another "small" update on my cafe. Finally I just stopped thinking of calculation stuff and just made them anyway. The second floor is still empty, because I am still divided in turning it into working room/ japanese shop.
Everything is super tiny and I can tell you are resin crazy now :). Are the fumes as poisonous as they say?
The cafe is coming together really nicely. Can you finish it in time for STCC???
What do you use to colour your resin and still keep it translucent ?
Sans, the plates/cups/bowls here are made of sukerukun for the purpose it will shrink and fit better to 1:24.
I am not sure if my resin is poisonous, I heard different brand probably more dangerous.
Cross your fingers for me :) I think it's just a matter for me to stock everything I have. ^^;
Lisa, I always use acrylic to color my resin pieces.
El café ya está muy adelantado y con toda esa comida pronto estarán todos los estantes y mesas llenos.
Es diminuta. Muy dificil para mi.
Besos Clara
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