100th post, 100 followers, and a giveaway!
>> 27.6.10

Firstly Anzu wanted to show some things that I got for her. I made some 1:12 lace cookies; but Anzu had been nudging me to give it to her, as the cookies are still suitable for her scale too.
Another one that Anzu argued about is the 1:3 rillakuma mug that I got. She didn't care if it's a little too big for her. (Yes, she's been naughty lately since I haven't complete her bento yet).
You can view more photos on my flickr. It's a late update here on the blog for various reason, when sometimes I can only found time to upload photos. >,<; sorry!
And yes, it is time! :) (Thank you Dale for reminding me XD)
All you need to do is comment on this post, and tell me your most sinful food ever! I hope it would sound more fun rather than just telling me the name of your fave cake. ;P
For me, it was Affogato that I made and ate by myself last time I worked part-time on a restaurant. What is so sinful about it? Because I scooped the yummy ice-cream half more than usual and I eat it almost on every week! (It's very bad for your teeth too Xd)
So... drop me yours here before July 11th! I will draw one winner on the 12th.
Don't forget to tell me your name and which country you're living in!
Truthfully I am not sure what I am going to give, I hope my charms will finish by then. (Yeah, it's kind of slow >,<)
Hi,I'm Sonia from Spain and I enjoy your blog so much,your minis always surprise me,miniregards.
Thanks for this opportunity.
I would like to enter in this give away.
For me the most sinful food is the peperoncino chocolate fused on the strawberries!
Hey Asuka!!! Damn right I'm going for a chance to win one of your minis, LOL!
Hmmm, most sinful food, think think think.
Okay, ok....this is just one of many "sinful" foods I love to eat: Triple scoop ice cream sundae with one scoop Mocha Fudge, one scoop Pralines and cream, and one scoop of Strawberry shortcake (Baskin & Robbin flavors), then topped with lots of hot fudge sauce, whipped cream, chopped nuts and candy sprinkles. Not only is it delicious, it actually cures the common cold. ;-D
Hi Asuka!
My most sinful food are peanutbutter chocolate cups by Reese. I live in the UK and thankfully they are quite hard to come by here. But next time I visit the USA I shall go crazy for them!
wow, thanks for such a great opportunity~ I have always loved your mini-works ever since I bought a mini-pancake from you~ XD
hmm, to me my most sinful food would be salmon sushimi wrapped around this roll of Japanese rice with mayo on top topped with fish eggs~ its not something really unique but the taste is awesome! I won't mind eating it everyday but with its price, its a truly sinful food :D
hope to see more awesome works~
Hmmm... triple chocolate fudge ice cream? I know it's nothing special but mann is it ever sweet... and it's the only thing that comes to mind right now... xD
sinful food? ermermermerm... ah yesh.
New York Fries.
It's not a cookie/cake/dessert. But it's seriously giving me cravings right now. T^T
melted cheese on freshly-cut
potatoes, with a little sprinkle of diced veggie, and beef gravy enriching and titillating your taste buds as you indulge in this sinful concoction.
Woot. *wipes drool*
I'm Madonna, from Malaysia. =)
Let's see: Most Sinful Food Ever: Locally, we have a very nationally famous 'drive-in' called The Beacon. The man who started it back in the '40's was John White and he had a friend with a national advertising company. The friend liked John White's food, mostly burgers, fried onion rings, slaw, French Fries and BBQ hash (this is in the American south) and he started putting up billboards across the nation advertising The Beacon, http://www.beacondrivein.com/. And as folks visited in the region, they made a special trip to eat there. Meanwhile, as his business grew, John White gave to many charities and churches and employed many people from low-income parts of the city who became so loyal to him that many worked there for decades. The Beacon has what is called a bacon cheeseburger 'a'plenty' and it is a large plate with a very large double cheeseburger with bacon, French Fries and fried onion rings. If you are REALLY hungry and in a big group, you order the Pig's Dinner which is an ice cream dessert with about 10 scoops of ice cream, dripping with melted chocolate, scattered with nuts and hidden under clouds of whipped cream. I have in my life indulged many times in the cheeseburger with bacon a'plenty and I have in my 47 years, on more than one occasion, helped dive into the Pig's Dinner.
Darling! It's me :):):).
My most sinful snack is Vinegar and Sea Salt potato chips. They are soooooo sinful I hide them in handbag & shoes boxes (yes, together with my shoes!!!!) so that noone knows I am eating them ...hahahaha! Now you know . I will show you where I hide them the next time you visit , ok?
First of all, congrats on your 100th post and 100 followers! My sinful food would be s'mores, and I believe that doesn't need much explanation. I eat it almost every night.......I need to stop.
Please count me in, your lace cookies are fabulous :)
Me encantaria participar en tu sorteo.
Aunque comprendo que viviendo en EspaƱa, se complique el envio en el caso de ganar jejejeje
Pero de todos modos, quiero que sepas que estaria encantada de tener un trabajo tuyo.
besitos ascension
You all are so funny! XD You make me giggle too much and received stares from everyone around me.. Xd
Hi! I´m Iris from Finland.
Your miniature clay woks are gorgeous!
Count me in pleace.
Hmmm, most sinful food. I would have to go with the burgers and fries at this fast food place called Five Guys. Their food is so good, but it is, of course, like all good fast food is, super greasy. The first time I ever had a hamburger was at this place and it was so good. And it's super cheap!
-Felicia (USA)
Love your work, and I hope its not too late to join ^^ My most sinful food would have to be this custard blueberry cake that doesn't really have I name. I know it is Bavarian, and that's about it. I can only find it at a special bakery about an hour from where I live, but once I get it I eat the whole thing in like a night xD It's very bad but so good!
Poll has been closed and I've drawn the winner! :)
Thank you everyone for joining! :D
And, I totally missed it!
smacks self in head! :(
That is okay, I'll survive. ;)
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