Larger Miniature Clay for TDA
>> 1.12.09

Here are some of my bigger miniature clay that I am going to sell at the coming TDA. I am trying to sell them as cheap as I can. So I packed the pieces into small bags and sell them at $5-10 per bag. But I will offer them as set too (cheaper by $5-10). I don't have much though, I intend to have more custom order afterwards the exhibition itself.
On top are few of my bento boxes and omelet rice. It was my first time trying out to make the usagi-shaped-ringo and I like it so much! And on below are my pancakes, fruits, and flower cabochon (made out from the leftover clay). I was thinking of selling them per pieces as well.
wakakaka can't wait to see them in person :P
Hi, I saw your post in the new members in the cdhm forum and had to check out your blog :) I love your creations!
What lovely miniatures you have! What a shame I can't come and see them "live".
What lovely miniatures you have!
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