Totoro Clock
>> 24.10.09

I wish I was lucky as whoever live in my dollhouse myself! I really want to buy the real Totoro Clock, but I'm afraid that it's too expensive. I gotta save money first, and in order to do that I need to find a job or sell more things >,<;
The white totoro was only 2 mm! Well, maybe it wasn't exactly 1:12 scale like I always do, but I don't really think that I can make anything smaller than this!
This is the real totoro clock. And I just realize that the whole thing shaped like an acorn. Everything in it moves around and it even played the theme song! OMG, I want! I want!
Anyway, I remember my friend was saying about totoro was based on actual ghost story in Japan. And I've googled it. That person (sorry, I don't remember who) really point out some strange scenes on the movie that might prove that it was based on real story indeed. A bit shocking truth, but I prefer not to mix them up. I will still like the movie, not just based on the story, but the whole thing!
P.S.: sorry that I haven't send the halloween sets yet, I wanted to give you guys more free gift but it failed two times! >,<;
Fantastic! Do you know Ces, another incredible artist? She draws in miniature amazing scenes. Love your art. **blows kisses*
aww so darling!! i can't imagine that white tontoro being so small!! :)
hee i have already commented via flickr...but it's still so cute and deserves another comment here :P
fail what fail what???
OH ASUKA!!!! i got my alley goop today ^ ^ it is very easy to use and very good i love it! it cures rather flexibly too :D i will make some resin jellies tomorrow, and post about it :D just thought i'd let you know cos i remember i promised to inform you once i get it!
Thank you everyone!
@Jocelyn: ideally it should be a bit smaller, but my hands are shaking too much already XP
@Snowfern: I know how addictive a mold can be!
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