Halloween Late Surprise Winner Link

>>  21.10.09

I've put up the links at my etsy for the winner.

Sadly, it was not the number that I've expected to have >,<;
I will wait until the end of this week, and if there's no-one else that will comment on this post, I will give extra cupcakes and candycorn to the winners. *v*

1st prize goes to Deborah; please go to here.
2nd goes to nomadcraftsetc ; you can go here.
3rd prize goes to my lovely friend Snowfern; you can go here.
4th prize goes to Gwen Ng; you can go here.
5th prize goes to miniaturepurplewelks; I will edit the link together with the totoro sandwich set. ^^

Well, thanks again for the interest in buying my stuff ^^. Please take a look and buy something extra from my shop!


Deborah October 22, 2009 at 3:37 AM  

Thank you sooooooooo much! I just ordered my prize along with chocolate cake....yum. You are really so talented. The patience you must have to do such detailed work. Thank you again. **kisskiss** Deborah

Unknown October 22, 2009 at 7:57 AM  


haha huat arr!!!

cold early morning, and what a surprise i had in store for me! sorry i didn't purchase more, my paypal funds are low ; ; slow sales recently ; ;

can't wait to receive them!

asukasakumo October 29, 2009 at 12:53 AM  

Hi Deborah & Snowfern,

I've sent your items (with freebies) yesterday ^^

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   Stephanie Koesuma (a.k.a. Asuka Sakumo) © 2007-2018
   Please do not distribute any contents, photos, and illustrations without my written permission.

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