CiRCLe - a graphic information book
>> 18.4.08

Book Title: CiRCLe - just another book about circle
Size (whole): 3cm x 20.5cm x 26 cm
Size (book only): 2cm x 20.5cm x 26cm
Promotional items: CD (consist of typography & pattern experiments) +postcards (the making of the project) + stickers (name tag stickers)
softcover + jacket (90 pages exclude cover)
CiRCLe is a graphic information book project based on Wim Crouwel Swiss Typography's simplicity. And it is, just as the subtitle said (which my lecturer hated it) just another book about circle. It includes information about design, typography and pattern made with the use of only circles.
80% of the book's content are my own photoes. And the book was self-print and bind at my own home. (Yes, my home is like a DIY store or a large garbage bin, as my mom often said)
a few personal remark: designing simplicity is designing things that have to look as simple as possible, but the process is never as simple as it sounds. I only found out what I wanted to make 3 weeks before the deadline, but my-so-called-friends said that it was too simple and they can make it better. So here's my challenge for them: make one better than this and show it to me.
Sorry if I sounded too harsh, but just because you never see me cry, it doesn't mean I don't have a heart.
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